Mobile Friendly Websites

Mobilise your business


The need to have a mobile web is more than endorsed with the data that we present with web and mobile apps

  • 50% of new Internet connections come from mobile devices
  • 82% of consumers have searched for a product or service on their mobile device
  • The penetration of smartphones has reached 51% of the British population
  • 88% of smartphone users look for local information on their phone
  • Mobile searches already represent approximately 18% of the total of Google in the UK.


It is not science fiction, it is the present; do not miss the current great opportunity to attract more customers to have a mobile website (9 out of 10 websites do not have a responsive mobile site). It is a revolution that has similarities with the beginnings of the Internet and the search engines, the first ones to get great performance are the real winners.


Your customers are already in the mobile world: are you ready to be found easily?


When your customers spend more time on your mobile, it becomes becomes crucial for your business to incorporate a future mobile strategy that allows quick access to your content and ensures that your mobile website is easily detected by search engines and found by your customers. That’s where SML Solutions comes in.

Our portfolio of mobile services includes:

• Mobile Web
• Mobile Apps
• Mobile SEO

Questions to ask yourself:
What is a mobile website? Your current website is likely to be available on mobile devices, but
Is it easy to use? Do you have a call to action tailored to mobile devices? Is it time consuming to open the page? Is your contact information scattered on the page?


Websites developed for desktop devices are not optimised for the mobile experience. Text on a page is often too small to read on a mobile device. Or the web uses drop-down menus or Flash, none of which works on 100% of mobile devices.


So let SML Solutions help you in getting a mobile-friendly website. Get in touch with us about developing one for your company!

Mobile SEO
Increase traffic to your mobile pages and generate more business results.
Does your Mobile company require SEO? Review how much traffic you receive from mobile devices, because if the statistics show that you require a mobile site, then make the investment. Update your SEO package to include SEO for mobile. At SML Solutions, we can help you take advantage of the business potential of mobile searches

Mobile apps
The development of customised mobile applications is an opportunity to give greater service and functionality to your current or potential customers.

At SML Solutions, we can help you develop a customised mobile application tailored to your specific business, with needs for greater efficiency, functionality and added value.

Our mobile apps services:


• Mobile CMS
• Mobile payment solutions
• Mobile web apps
• Interactive Media System for mobile
• Mobile portals online
• Apps for mobile devices
• Mobile ecommerce

We develop applications for the major smart mobile devices:


• Windows Mobile
• BlackBerry
• IPhone
• Android Mobile
• Tablet Computing